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SalsAcademy Lausanne - Logo




The target is to be non profit, if you can dance it is cool to help others to dance too.

Any profits are turned into  giving you more possibilities and opportunities.


Dancing is not only for who can afford it  (that is bullshit).

If you do have money just pay for someone else who has less.


In reality dance is priceless, you are getting or giving a lifelong  gift. It has no sell-by date !

Priceless means it has no price, neither low nor high.


A certain price must exist in order to respect the livelihood of any other dance studios that make a living from their activities. 


Tap water is available (bring a glass), if not you can bring your own refreshments.

Please avoid plastic bottles, we are eco conscious.


We are super happy to be able to host  you !

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